Quality 3: Positive Self-Image
True winners are confident and view themselves as competent, valuable human beings.

“What competencies should I improve?”

That depends on what you’re after. But there are also some skills that I believe every person can benefit from.
  • Emotional intelligence — Research shows that humans are inherently social. Without good relationships, we die. And if you want good relationships, you need emotional intelligence: Understanding other people’s emotions and how to respond to them. This is something you can learn.
  • Self-awareness — You can practice self-awareness by continuous self-reflection. Write down your thoughts; try to understand why you do what you do, what you can do better, and what you’re doing well. Know yourself.
  • Problem-solving — Our current school system dates from the industrial revolution. We’re trained to become cogs in a wheel. We’re not trained to solve problems in complex situation — instead, we do what we are told. But the world has changed and in the current state, the person that is better at problem-solving will win.


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