
Showing posts from February, 2018
"There is no substitute for work. Worthwhile results come from hard work and careful planning." THE PYRAMID OF SUCCSES. The pyramid if success is that in order in success you need to read the pyramid.  “Failure to prepare is preparing to fail,” was one of John Wooden’s favorite maxims. He employed it for his teams as well as in his personal life, stressing to them the importance of preparing properly in order maintain the balance necessary for true success and fulfillment. “The most important word in our language is ‘love’ and the second most important word is ‘balance,’” he was fond of saying. In order to execute properly and  keep balance  in his life between his job and his family, Coach Wooden was an expert in time management. This required very  careful planning , indeed. Coach did not equate industriousness to three- or four-hour practices every day with his team simply to put in the extra hours, nor did he think it necessary to work six days a week ...
I choose the university of san diego. Because it would benifit me. It is a nice city and nice help.
Confidence "You only get confidence by doing things over and over again ." If you are low in self-confidence, is it possible to do things that will change that? Is your self-confidence in your control?While it may not seem so, if you are low in self-confidence, I strongly believe that you can do things to increase your self-confidence. It is not genetic, and you do not have to be reliant on others to increase your self-confidence. And if you believe that you are not very competent, not very smart, not very attractive, etc. … that can be changed. Dress nicely . A corollary of the first item above … if you dress nicely, you’ll feel good about yourself. You’ll feel successful and presentable and ready to tackle the world. Now, dressing nicely means something different for everyone … it doesn’t necessarily mean wearing a $500 outfit, but could mean casual clothes that are nice looking and presentable
key 9  Key 9 :  Courage "The fear of failure is the single greatest reason for failure in life." Have you ever been so afraid of failing at something that you decided not to try it at all? Or has a fear of failure meant that, subconsciously, you undermined your own efforts to avoid the possibility of a larger failure? Many of us have probably experienced this at one time or another. The fear of failing can be immobilizing – it can cause us to do nothing, and therefore resist moving forward. But when we allow fear to stop our forward progress in life, we're likely to miss some great opportunities along the way. In this article, we'll examine fear of failure: what it means, what causes it, and how to overcome it to enjoy true success in work, and in life.-
Write a final all-encompassing reflection about the 10 Keys to Personal Power. How can they benefit you?  Which keys are you applying now, and what difference are they making in your life? How will you incorporate the other keys into your Life Planning plans? Note that the development of a personal mission and vision, and then a strategy for achieving them, are exactly the opposite of what most people follow. Most people do not plan further ahead than their next job or activity (if they plan their career at all). They take a job because it looks attractive, and then they see what they can do with it. We advocate looking as far into the future as you can and deciding where you want to end up and what steps will lead you there. In that way, your life and your career fit into some intelligent plan, and you are in control of your own life. Once the vision is set, you have to develop some long-term goal (or goals), then intermediate-term goals, and so on. If you want to be President...